Smartphones as an educational tool in the classroom

We use out phones for anything and everything – from working to visiting sites such as Every person has a phone on them at all times! When students started bringing mobile phones to class, it added a new element to learning! Today, most schools have embraced this change and are planning ways for students to use their phones for educational purposes such as research and collaboration. However, there are still some downsides associated with student phone use in the classroom.

Benefits of student phones in school

– Communication: Phones are great tools for communication. They allow students to keep in touch with each other, their parents and teachers.

– Collaboration: The phones can assist students in group work by allowing them to share information or work collaboratively on projects through the use of apps such as Google Docs or DropBox.

– Research: Students can search for information related to a particular topic using various apps that provide access to various databases such as Wikipedia and Britannica without having to leave their desks! This will save time since they won’t have to go downstairs into the library where there is limited seating available.

– Note taking: A student can take notes on his phone using an app like Evernote which saves everything from web pages, PDF files etc., so if anything gets lost it can be easily retrieved later on when needed! This also means that work doesn’t need finishing at school—it can be done anywhere!

Cons of student phone use in school

– Distraction. When students have their phones on them at all times, it means they’re able to check and respond to texts and emails at any point during the day—and that can lead to distraction from their actual work.

– Addiction. For some students, having access to social media or video games can become an addiction that interferes with their learning process and classroom behaviour. Studies show that being exposed to screen time before bedtime can negatively impact sleep quality and make it more difficult for children (and adults) to fall asleep at night.

– Disruption. If teachers allow cell phones in the classroom but don’t create clear guidelines about how they should be used responsibly, it’s likely that many students will abuse their privileges by getting distracted by technology instead of focusing on classwork—and who knows what other trouble they’ll get into while no one’s looking!

Smartphones are an educational tool that is best used with boundaries

Smartphones have become a huge part of our lives, and this means that students have their phones with them all the time. If you are looking for a way to incorporate technology in your classroom, you should definitely consider having your students use their phones as a tool. However, it’s important to remember that there are some boundaries when it comes to using smartphones in the classroom.

Teachers can also use their own phones as an educational tool by helping students who may be struggling with something in class or on homework assignments.


In the end, we can see that smartphones have a place in the classroom as an educational tool. They have the potential to improve student engagement and make learning more interactive. However, with so many distractions available through apps and social media sites, teachers must be cautious about when and how they incorporate them into their lessons.

How to encourage young people to vote?

Voting is a right we’re lucky to have, but it’s also one that not everyone takes advantage of. That’s why it’s important to encourage young people to vote so they can use this right and make their voices heard. Young people are often too busy with school, work and other activities to participate in elections or referendums; however, if we want them to engage in democracy as adults, we need to help them get started now.

Help young people understand what is at stake

Help young people understand what is at stake by explaining that voting is a right, not a privilege. Show them why they should care about voting and how it can make a difference in their lives now and in the future.

Make sure young people know where they can get accurate information

Have a conversation with young people about what they know about the election so far. If they’re aware of candidates and issues, ask if they’ve gotten their information from social media or a trustworthy source.

Explain how to find trustworthy sources. For example, you can direct them to the Election Commission’s website, which provides official information on candidates and issues in Virginia’s elections (and has a polling place locator).

Help young people register to vote and talk to them about the process

Registering to vote is free, easy, quick and important. It’s easy online or in person at a voting office or city/county/state offices. You can also mail in the registration form if you prefer that method.

Registering to vote is confidential—no one will see your information except election officials who need it for administration of elections.

You can motivate someone to vote by listening to them and having a conversation

You can’t force young people to vote. But you can encourage them to participate by listening and having a conversation.

Ask questions. If a young person is talking about something they care about, let them know you’re listening and ask questions about their perspective. Ask open-ended questions like “how do you feel about that?” Or “why do you think that’s important?” You may be surprised at what they have to say!

Encourage them to ask questions too! Young people are often curious about things that adults don’t even consider asking; it’s up to us as mentors and educators (or however else we choose) to help make sure these conversations happen safely so everyone feels heard no matter where they sit in life.


It’s important that we as adults do our best to teach young people about the importance of voting, and how they can make a difference by doing so. We also need to make sure they know where they can get accurate information, register to vote if they haven’t already done so, and understand why it is important for them to make an informed decision when deciding who “gets their vote” on election day.